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Samosa Chaat Milton Keynes


Single Samosa Chaat (1x samosa, chutney, yoghurt, mint sauce & salad)

Double Samosa Chaat (2x samosa, chutney, yoghurt, mint sauce & salad)



Craving for Chat Samosa in Milton Keynes?

Experience the Perfect Blend of Spices and Flavors in Our Samosa Chat Looking for a unique and satisfying snack? Our Samosa Chat is a perfect choice! Made with crispy samosas, tangy chutney, yogurt, and a special blend of spices, our Samosa Chat offers a flavor explosion that is sure to delight your taste buds. Whether you’re looking for a quick snack or a delicious appetizer, our Samosa Chat is the perfect choice.

It is a Combination of Samosa, chutney, yoghurt, mint sauce & salad that is Perfect for Food Lovers. MK Punjabi Samosa and Sweets Offering Delivery in Milton Keynes UK and Dine in Option in instore.


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